Monday, March 7, 2016

Virtual 6-Miler

This week, I had the chance to get in two of my workouts.  I also had quite a few meetings this week including meetings about future Jaycees events and the opportunity to bring back a former Jaycees event to the community again.  I am looking forward to working hard on these things and I know it will definitely be worth it.

I also have been maintaining the tracking of my calories in MyFitnessPal.  However, at the end of the week, it showed that I was over roughly 3,000 calories.  Part of that is due to the timing of when I am entering my calories into my phone.  Waiting until the end of the day obviously isn't working.  I HAVE to make sure to get my lunch entered before I leave the building in the afternoon.  That way I know for sure how many calories I have left for the evening.

I also had a first time experience this weekend.  I was invited to participate in a weekend warrior contest on FitBit by some of my friends on there (this I have done before).  Well, after I finished my run last evening...I WON!  That's right.  And, it wasn't by just a couple steps.  I won by 700 steps. I thought I should brag a little about it so I have included my trophy.

You may be asking yourself why I titled this the Virtual 6-Miler.  Well, when I signed up for the Mini-Marathon, I also signed up for the training series as a part of it as well.  There was the option of participating in the events as you would a normal race (running outdoors with large groups of people) or virtually (turning in finish time via the internet).  Well, I expected the Spaghetti Run to be held on the date of one of these training runs so I chose to participate virtually.  When you complete them virtually you actually get a week to turn in your times as they assume you obviously aren't available the day of the run. I delayed my run one day and finished it on Sunday.  The previous run was a 3 mile run, this one was a six mile run, and next month will consist of a ten mile run. I'll be honest, I'm a little apprehensive about the ten miler next month, but I will get it done.  This week I finished my virtual 6 miler in 1:21:45.  I set the treadmill at 4.4 mph and just kept moving until I finished.  I may have been able to go a little faster, but I wanted to make sure I finished.

As you may have been able to guess based on my discussion of calorie tracking, the scale wasn't super nice to me this week.  I didn't realize the calories were sneaking up on me so quickly.  I weighed in this week at 265.4.  That is an unacceptable gain of 2.1 lbs.  I have things to improve on. Until next week...Food. Feet. Water. Repeat.

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