About Me

I am hoping that if you are visiting this blog that you are somewhat interested in why I am writing it in the first place.  Allow me to give you a little info and provide you with an even better reason to follow my journey.

I am a 30 something that has struggled with weight my entire life. I am a husband, a son, a teacher, and a devotee to everything that I find interesting.  To put it this way, if I am going to purchase something there is a pretty good chance I have a better knowledge of it than the salesperson trying to sell it to me as I am sure my wife can tell you.

I have led quite a sedentary life up until about April 2015.  I was always involved in some kind of activity, but it was never enough to break my cycle of lounging and eating.  I have been going back and forth over the past decade in a range of about 30 pounds.  After seeing myself in a picture from a friends wedding, I decided something HAD to change.  Here's the photo.

I'm on the left.
In April 2015, I decided to start this blog as a way to keep me accountable for my decisions.  I wrote an emotional post you can read here to share the backstory about my weight.  I am constantly trying to improve myself and it is an ongoing process.  I have found myself enjoying more activities whether outdoors or inside.  I am looking for healthier food choices and trying to come up with some of my own.  Check out the recipes page to find some of my ideas.

I have noticed that many more of my pictures are related to things outside rather than being a screenshot of something I saw on Facebook...even though those are still fun to share.  I am more excited about sharing my fitness successes.  And, I am looking for more opportunities to achieve my goals.
These are the kinds of pictures I would rather share now!
I am here to tell you that I am far from perfect, but I am also going to share my path to bettering myself with you.  If you have things to add feel free to comment.  If you want to follow my journey subscribe to my blog by adding your email in the top right.  Or, follow my account on the social media forms I have listed as well. As Always...Food. Feet. Water. Repeat!

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